

Super Pikix Pi is a free VJ software for the Raspberry Pi Computer

It features all the classic VJ softwares options. It's a deluxe version of Pikix, with many improvements and new features.

The Raspberry Pi?

The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card-sized single-board computer developed in the UK by the Raspberry Pi Foundation with the intention of promoting the teaching of basic computer science in schools. (source: wikipedia)

But I thought a MacBook Pro was the best for live visuals...

...And it's also very precious, so leave it home when performing for that no budget warehouse rave party...
Just bring this tiny and cheap computer and show you can do more with less!

Raspberry Pi key features

Super Pikix Pi key features

Download latest version

for Raspberry Pi 2 & Raspberry Pi 3

View changelog

Download older versions

for Raspberry Pi 1


Super Pikix Pi is free, donations are very welcomed.

Featured users

You're a talented VJ using Super Pikix Pi?
Let me know, i'll feature you right here!

super pikix pi raspberry pi super pikix pi super pikix pi super pikix pi super pikix pi

Quick instructions

version 1.3 and newer

Check the 'read me' file included

version 1.2 and older

Make sure you've installed the Raspbian image from http://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads on your SD card.

Before running Super Pikix Pi, you need to install some stuff (libraries) on your Raspberry Pi.

Make sure your Raspberry Pi is connected to internet.

From the terminal command windows, type:

sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev
sudo apt-get install libsdl-ttf2.0-dev
sudo apt-get install libsdl-image1.2-dev
sudo usermod -a -G video pi (where 'pi' is your username)

Copy the content of the zip archive in your raspberry, from the terminal window nagivate into the app folder and type ./pikix.


Disable the overscan and use 720p resolution.

Use your own footage

version 1.3 and newer

You can use .mp4 files of the following size: 640 x 360

version 1.2 and older

To mix your own video loops, compress your footage using the Kouky compression tool, available for Windows and Mac.

The compression tool requires quicktime player to be installed on your Windows system.

Super Pikix Pi is only compatible with .k19 files.

When the conversion is complete, move your .k19 files into the "video" folder of your Super pikix Pi installation.

Kouky compression tool for version 1.2 and older

Grab it here

Keyboard mapping

for version 1.3 and newer,
see 'help' section within the app

version 1.2



TAB toggle user interface visibility IMPORTANT!
hold spacebar pause
right / left next and previous video track
up / down set focus on layer 1 or 2
Z play forward / backward
ENTER toggle playlist selection screen visibility

overlay modes

2mix blend
3additive blend
4multiply blend
5alpha transparency or chroma key on black
6half / half


<- ( backspace ) turn on/off selected filter
hold Q, W, E, R, T, Y, U, I, O select a paired filter